
Meeting "Websites & Apps Team Meeting"

( infrastructure)

Location: https://meet.jit.si/fedora-websites-apps-meeting

  • Start: Tue, June 29, 2021 - 15:00 UTC
  • End: Tue, June 29, 2021 - 16:00 UTC

Weekly team meeting for the Websites & Apps Team. This is part of the Websites & Apps Community Revamp Objective. See past discussion to learn more about the Websites & Apps Team and how it came together.

More information available at: hackmd.io/Mxm2We3yTqKybLsdohadOA

This meeting is recurrent, it occurs every 7 days until 2021-10-11

Meeting organized by jflory7,pingou,ramyaparimi,riecatnor,siddharthvipul1,t0xic0der.

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