
Meeting "Fedora Outreachy Office Hours"

( onboarding)

Location: https://meet.google.com/srk-brxa-kyi

  • Start: Fri, March 22, 2024 - 16:00 UTC
  • End: Fri, March 22, 2024 - 17:00 UTC

60-minute roundtable session for Outreachy applicants to meet with Fedora Outreachy coordinators and project mentors to ask questions and seek advice before the last full week of the application phase.

This is the last audio/video call meeting that the Fedora Outreachy team will organize this round. This call does not have an agenda of topics to present. This call is about you, the applicants! Bring your questions and stop by our Outreachy office hours to chat with coordinators and mentors. Questions from applicants and answers from coordinators and mentors will guide the time spent together.

NOTE: Some project mentors will not be available in this call due to time zone challenges. For these projects, you are encouraged to come by the office hours for general questions or feedback on the contribution process to Fedora.

Social Agreement

Please review the Social Agreement for our Office Hours event. By participating in the Office Hours, we expect you to follow these common courtesies:

  • Focus on listening to what others say.
  • Stay present as much as possible. Close out or silence email, chats, etc. during the meeting.
  • Let everyone have a chance to speak. Be aware of how much time you are talking.
  • Be mindful of the meeting schedule. Be a contributor to moving dialog forward!
  • Use the "raise hand" function when you want to add a comment or ask a question, especially in larger group meetings.
  • Stay on mute when you are not speaking.

Google Meet joining info

Meeting organized by jflory7.

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